Our board recently met with Ruth Russell, Yokosuka's School Liason Officer. I really wish we had done this sooner as she came with a wealth of online resources that are available to military families, particularly Navy, dealing with education. I haven't had a chance to look through many of them, but wanted to share and make sure that everyone is aware of these gems.
First, we have Navy Knowledge Online. In addition to resources for sailors, there are also resources for younger students: downloadable audio-books, foreign language lessons, e-books, college prep and so much more. If you have any problems registering for the site, contact Ruth as she is an administrator for the site. Connected with NKO is also tutor.com. As military families, we have free access to 24/7tutors, in all subjects K-12 as well as college courses.
Do you have high school students needing test prep? March2Success is the place to go. This is run through the army, but still available to those of us on a navy base too. March2Success provides online test prep for state exams, SAT, ACT, and ASVAB.
Please share any others you may have. Always on the look out for more resources!
Please share any others you may have. Always on the look out for more resources!