Monday, November 29, 2010

College Credit By Exam

Burning Question: Where to take CLEP/DSST while stationed here in the Kanto Plain of Japan? Do you have a high schooler, especially a Jr/Sr level schooler and wants--nay, needs to take the CLEP/DSST?
Well I found info... Que audience applause... Thank you, thank you.

Now, as I had discovered through half a school day spent on the phone being bounced around from one office to another, not much help is available to us through college hill on base if you are not active duty military or a high school graduate dependent of a DOD sponsored individual. Thanks to the lack of support and services, I have been keeping this pot simmering on my back burner to find a way around this quandary and have been richly rewarded.

I recently (as of this morning) came across information in how to get CBE: Credit By Exam. This is done via CLEP or DSST. While in Japan, you can take CLEP without constraints (ex: must be military or already enrolled at the college etc...) at Temple University, Tokyo; and DSST also in Tokyo at CAS and Temple University. 

I hope this helps out. Below are the links of where I garnered this informaiton along with the addresses of the two sites in Tokyo. 
Good Fortune and Happy Monday--oh, and Holidays too!

DSST in Japan In the search criteria box enter "Japan" and for Region select "International."

Temple University - Tokyo
3F, Test Center
2-8-12 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku
Tokyo,   106-0047

CAS Center for Advanced Studies 
Sanei-Hoshino Bldg., 3F, 
10-2 Sanei-cho, Shinjuku-ku, 
Tokyo, 160-0008, JAPAN
International Phone : (+81)3-3226-7462 
Fax : (+81)3-3226-7465 E-mail

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