I have a new hobby since moving to Japan. I like to shop!
My husband thinks I'm nuts, because I've never ever before enjoyed shopping. But, since arriving in Japan, I shop! I love looking in shops, in huge store, and even street vendors. I don't always buy, but I'm always looking.
There are so many things that are the same, but many more items that are so very different.
Soon after moving here I discovered a pan. A very strange shaped pan.
I found a recipe online and modified it (we have food allergies).
...and cooked.

Basic recipe
4 eggs
1/2 T oil (for the pan)
2 T sugar
1 T Soy Sauce
(we have discovered this serves 2-3 adults)
Pan, basting brush, pancake turner, & cooking chopsticks (or fork)
If you want a step-by-step tutorial,
here is my blog post on the recipe.
Cool. I have a favorite book that from the 1930s that features an omlette with sugar, which was evidently popular in England at the time. I wonder if they are related.